About Me


  • Jan. 2024
    • The revised version of our paper Structured Variational Approximations with Skew Normal Decomposable Graphical Models has been accepted for publication to the Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics (JCGS).
    • The revised version of our paper Calibration of Agent Based Models for Monophasic and Biphasic Tumour Growth using Approximate Bayesian Computation has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Mathematical Biology.
  • Dec. 2023 - The long-awaited (several years in the making) new version of our Nested Sampling via Sequential Monte Carlo paper is now available on arXiv.
  • Nov. 2023 - I was awarded a top reviewer award for NeurIPS 2023. These are given to the top approx. 10% of paper reviewers, based on the feedback of the area chairs.

Academic Appointments

As of November 2023, I have departed academia for a role in the private sector.

  • Senior Research Fellow (03/22-11/23) - Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Centre for Data Science (School of Computer Science)
  • Research Fellow (11/20-03/22) - Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Centre for Data Science (School of Mathematical Sciences)
  • ACEMS Research Fellow (01/19-10/20) - UNSW Sydney
  • ACEMS Research Fellow (08/18-01/19) [Short Contract] - The University of Queensland
  • PhD Candidate in Statistics (2015-2018) - The University of Queensland
    • Thesis: Advances in Monte Carlo Methodology